
Happy State of Mind

Happiness is a state of mind, an intrinsic quality, a behavior one can develop with practice in any situation. You don’t need more to be happy. Neither do you need someone nor a particular situation or a particular thing to make you happy. It is your individual quality!!”

– Bhuvi M, Tapestry of Life & Soul


Happiness Vs Silliness

“Sometimes a little silliness is all we need to get a better perspective of life’s greatest challenges. Silliness is the carefree, sometimes crazy, and often misunderstood stepsister of happiness. May we be a friend to both, and smile our way through life’s twists and turns.”

– Bhuvi M, Tapestry of Life & Soul


Take Time to Reflect

“When life becomes too complicated and we feel overwhelmed, it’s often useful just to stand back and remind ourselves of our overall purpose, our overall goal. When faced with a feeling of stagnation and confusion, it may be helpful to take an hour, an afternoon, or even several days to simply reflect on what it is that will truly bring us happiness, and then reset our priorities on the basis of that. This can put our life back in proper context, allow a fresh perspective, and enable us to see which direction to take.”

 Dalai Lama XIV, The Art of Happiness