Character of a Little Boy

By Bhuvi M

Last summer I moved to my new house. This is a three-story house. There are other families staying on different floors. On the first floor, is a joint family with eight members from three generations. The youngest of the members of that family is a child barely three years old. He is a fair-complexioned skinny boy with sharp features and brown hair. As compared to his age, he is underweight. Extremely energetic, he is on his toes always. All the time he plays with his toys or drives his battery operated riding car or rides his bicycle. His playground remains his home. He never goes out to the community park to play with other children. He has a sole friend; a little girl next door. She is a year or two older than him. This little boy does not go out to play even with her. He asks the girl to come over to his house to play. Whenever she is at his home, even after playing for hours she is reluctant to leave. Her mother gets irritated because of such behavior.

This little boy has ear-piercing shrill voice. He speaks on the top of his voice. You can hear him talking all the day. He can be heard clearly on different floors of the house and in the park across the road. A child who is never corrected by his mother, he indulges in the conversation of elders. He is never asked to refrain from it. If asked to stay away from such conversations, he starts throwing tantrums by rolling on the floor and hitting his arms and legs. It can be irritating for a visitor. Often he picks up topic on his own which is considered to be part grown up conversation.

He is fond of watching cartoon shows and listening stories from story-book. Still young to read by himself, he needs someone to read them to him. If he is asked to do something or help someone he always refuses. He never shares anything with anyone. But if someone else gets something he wants a portion out of it. If corrected he never pays heed and terms you nasty one. He has labeled me with a title “bad aunt” since I have tried correcting him at times. If I offer to read him stories he will come to me, an association which gets over as soon as the story ends. Even with the pretext of reading stories I have not been able to make any impact on him. With this behavior it is painful seeing the childhood innocence lost. He is getting on the route to be a spoiled brat. This is an output of the example set by parents in front of the child.

Note: Day 6, Writing 101: A Character-Building Experience by the Daily Post

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